Monday, December 17, 2007

Getting Ready

If you've had enough philosophy over the last few days, this post will come as a breath of fresh air.

We are very close to being ready to go live. By the end of today, all of our accounts will be set up and we will be able to receive money. We already have checks coming in through the mail, and wiring instructions for others who want to get funds to us via wire. The trading platform has been loaded onto our computers, and we completed training on that system on Friday. We are "dry trading" until January 2, when we will flip the switch with real money.

Our business cards and letterhead is on its way as well. We are settled into the office now and the phone system and computer systems are all working properly. Our lawyers, accountants, and prime broker are all on the same page.

So in short, we are just about ready to go. We are already planning for all of the meetings and other forms of contact that we plan to have in January. Most people have mentally shut down for the holidays, so we are going to book things now for the next two months. The story is obviously a great one to tell, so we are excited about those prospects. Our strategy works pretty well in just about any market environment, but it really works well in this environment, so we can't wait to get started.

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